Battery-less breathalyser + Smartphone App + A Smart cloud-based behavior change platform
The AlcoChange Clinical app was developed following feedback from alcohol service users. It allows monitoring of craving, alcohol consumption and breath alcohol, and provides positive & motivational messaging to patients.
Registration & Onboarding:
Patients register for the program through a provider and undergo a quick Baseline assessment test to assess their drinking.
Educating the patients:
Patients are educated about the risks and problems associated with alcohol use and highlight the importance of abstaining from alcohol and remote monitoring
Responsibility & advice to change:
Patients are made more responsible by asking them to identify the reasons for them to be sober and record them in the app which will be later used to reinforce change and motivate them.
They also learn about the triggers that might lead them to have a drink and the triggers are recorded into the app to help them deliver personalised nudges.
The app and platform primarily focuses on Self Monitoring and Positive Reinforcement
The app connects to a cloud-based behaviour change platform. The platform collects data from the user and aggregates the same.
Self Monitoring:
Positive Messaging:
When the patient record their sobriety or overcome a craving the app rewards and motivates them with an appreciation and personalised positive message
Eg. Don’t forget that cravings pass with time, so if you manage to resist & stay dry, it will be easier next time
Motivational Messaging:
When a patient records a negative alcohol test the app empathise with an motivational message nudge
Eg. That’s great news, well done. It will be easier next time , you’ve done really well
Positive Reinforcement:
The AlcoChange Clinical app and platform motivate the patients continuously through the following features and induce positive reinforcement
Remote Contacts:
The app also provides the ability for the patients to remotely call anyone from the list of persons below and their contact numbers are added as a quick one touch button in the app
The app and platform are hosted in the NHS Secured Cloud Server thus ensuring a data protection and privacy of the patients enrolled in the program.